Thursday, January 6, 2011

Basik Kanji Book Vol. 2

Publisher: Bonjinsha Co. Ltd (1989)

Basic Kanji volumes 2 contain a total of 500 kanji; vol. 2 covers numbers 252-500. This book has 22 lessons and can be used as a workbook. There are many exercises to practice reading and writing kanji, including short passages. I like how the book is organized around themes. The content is very practical for adapting to everyday life in Japan - there are photographs of actual signs, and instructions for household appliances. I recently passed JLPT 3 and I find the material in this book appropriate for my level. However, I jumped straight into this book without studying from the first volume, so there are some kanji appearing in the lessons that I don't know yet.

Link to Amazon

Format: PDF
Language: English and Japanese


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